zaterdag 7 november 2015

Urban garding trend


You have a reason to party and a location, your garden!! But how will you decorate your garden to be a special venue? How will you make it an experience for your attendants? This is a question with a simple answer! Make from your party an urban garden party!

How do you do this? Use modern design with lounge furniture with comfortable pillows to sit on. Don’t forget extra little tables to create a luxury atmosphere. On the picture below, you can see the comfortable furniture and modern design.

As in the picture above, use wood in your decoration and in your furniture. Wood creates a cosy atmosphere and as a result people are feeling well and have fun.
Another decoration that you can’t forget for an urban garding pary is the lighting! Use candles and place them between the bushes.

And don’t forget to hang lights in the trees. The right lighting is very important for an urban garden party!

With all this decoration, you can create the perfect atmosphere and experiences and have the perfect party!!
Keep in mind that the decoration is an important component for your next party!!

Florence Devlaminck

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Very interesting topic, I can't wait to try this! :)
    - Elena

  2. This is a nice one! I want to get married right now when I see this! I think it's super cosy to do this with your family and friends. And you can be as creative as you want!

    - Jolien De Beul
