donderdag 26 november 2015

Hawaii party decorations

It’s summer, everyone’s on vacation, and the sun is shining. To most people this sounds like the perfect time to have a party. But what if the sun still doesn’t give you that perfect summer sensation? Well, just go for the full summer-experience Hawaii packet. Give your party a boost with an awesome Hawaiian theme. Sand, surfboards, palm trees, straw skirts, even get that old Hawaii shirt out of your closet you wore when you were in your twenties (but please, put it back in the closet when the party’s over).
So if you’re going through with this Hawaii themed party, you can’t miss the following decorations.
Straw and bamboo. Straw skirts, straw runners, straw hat, straw roof, … Everything you can make out of straw is good enough for your Hawaii party. Another material you can’t let out is bamboo. Go as crazy as you want, be creative and create something out of bamboo
Other things you’re going to need are flowers, the more colours you have the better. Try to create a real Hawaii experience, your attendants should have the feeling they’re in Hawaii. Give them a Hawaii experience. And maybe, if you’re crazy enough and really looking out for the perfect Hawaii party, throw one cubic meter of sand in your garden. That will definitely get you the price for Hawaii party of the year.

- Niels Fredrick -

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